
The Engineering Process at TWI



The engineering process is a set of steps engineers use to solve problems. This includes identifying the objective, determining constraints, designing, building and testing. This is an essential component of every project at TWI. It helps us ensure that our projects comply with the highest standards for safety and performance. This is particularly important for New York City project as they must meet stringent specifications.

Students investigate the issue to better understand the issue and gather information. This is an open-ended and student-centered approach to science that shifts classes away from traditional teaching.

At this stage, students brainstorm ideas about how they can solve the problem. This can be accomplished using whiteboards, software or even discussions. Some ideas may not be successful, but that’s OK because it allows them to experiment with others and come up with the most effective solution.

After analyzing the results of their research and brainstorming, the team chooses a solution to create and build. It could be done on paper, with CAD software, or through the creation of a prototype, which could be physical or virtual. This is a thrilling step for students because they can create something tangible that will help them test their ideas.

Engineers have to be cautious because they are subject to constraints like time costs, tools, and resources. Engineers must also keep in mind that their solutions should be safe and effective so that they can be utilized in the real world.